10 things I love at Algonquin College

Are you considering your post-secondary education at Algonquin College? And you’re wondering whether or not Algonquin College delivers excellent facilities for the student?

After spending my time for over 2 years studying at the Ottawa campus, I have some solid ideas on some good stuff and a few not-so-good things about the college. ln this article, I’d like to share the top ten wonderful things that I encountered.

1. Free wifi

Yes, the wifi is available anywhere on the Ottawa campus. You can go anywhere inside the campus with a free wifi service connected to your phone and laptop quickly.

2. Free resources

The college library provides many free and up-to-date articles on its library sites. You can also borrow free books, laptops, study requirements, and access some online learning platforms (ex: Lynda.com) for free using your student ID card.

3. Convenient design

Algonquin College Reviews

Nearly all building has a study room and silent space. Students can easily choose a spot to complete their assignments. Electrical outlets are everywhere and easy to find whenever you need to charge your device battery.

4. Available printers

You can print anything you want on campus from your laptop or using a school’s PC. Printers are user-friendly with a one-tap function that you can use your student card to tap and boom, your document is printed.

5. Tim Hortons, Starbucks, Booster Juice, Pub, Theater and so on are on campus

Algonquin College Starbucks

Yes, these shops are available on campus, spoiler alert, Timmy is usually busy throughout the day. But there are several canteens and cafeterias around the college where you can purchase food and drink at a fair price.

The Observatory (the pub) serves quite some excellent foods and alcoholic drinks as well. You might as well enjoy some exciting events like “Dirty Bingo” and meet some lovely friends here.

6. Friendly professor and staff

I was surprised how my instructors are very friendly and supportive. I gained a lot of positive energy from them, and I love the way they motivate students. My program is Business Marketing and I loved it. It was engaged with many assignments and presentations but it’s incredible!

7. AC Hub

If you are new in town and looking to discover the Algonquin community, you can participate in various events from the AC Hub. There are a ton of workshops, field trips, volunteering opportunities… and many of them are free. It’s amazing!

AC Hub hosts many fun activities during the school year. To register for an event, bring your student card to the AC Hub Desk at the E building, or do it at home via the website.

8. Student Association

The student association helps you with the college information. You can reserve a meeting room or ask for more services such as employee support (resume, cover letter, interview workshop) and so on.

9. Summer landscapes

Algonquin College Program

Algonquin College has a perfect view in the summer. Many colourful plants and trees are planted around campus. The Horticulture Program zone has many kinds of beautiful flowers with unique garden design styles that change annually.

10. Free “stuff”

Free tampons and condoms in the health service office and student association office. I’m sure these guys aid in “urgent situations”. Safety goes first guys 😉

Algonquin College Health Services

These are 10 lovely things that I found while I am still around.

I can’t wait to know what you love at Algonquin College. Please share your experience in the comment box below.

Bye now!

Thông tin tác giả

10 things I love at Algonquin College 1
Tanny Nguyen
Tanny là cây bút chính cũng như người tạo nên trang web gotannygo.com. Tanny hiện đang sinh sống và làm việc tại Canada sau du học. Tanny tạo nên gotannygo.com với mong muốn chia sẻ thông tin hữu ích để giúp đỡ các bạn cựu dhs và dhs cũng đang sống tại Canada.
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