Motorcycling from Vietnam to Cambodia

A throwback to 2016, my boyfriend, Jackie and I had a backpacker trip to Cambodia on my old scooter. That was an enjoyable trip for us, and I think if you are considering whether to ride a motorcycle from Vietnam to Cambodia, it would be worth it.

This trip to Cambodia, our target place was Koh Rong Samloem island. Even though our adventure happened three years ago, in this post, I also update new info from the ferry schedule, bus info etc.

Ride a motorcycle from Viet Nam to Cambodia

Two days relaxed at Koh Rong Samloem island was the most intersting experience in my life while it was quite and peaceful. Plus, since we did not have much time, we wanted to visit as many places as we can, that is why we came out with the travel timeline below.

Part 1: Planning and booking for the trip to Cambodia

1. Travel to Cambodia schedule for 6 days, 5 nights

Backpack from Viet Nam to Cambodia
Our original plan before the trip

2. Booking the accommodation and transportation

I think when we are travelling in a limited budget and time, the essential things are research and get ready. In our case, we have never ridden a motorcycle to cross any border before. Plus, my scooter was old and we afraid if it would be broken in the middle of nowhere. Fortunately, the motorbike worked fine, and we made it with a lot of memorable experiences.

As our plan, we know that for sure we will arrive PP by day 2 and we wanted to make sure that we will not miss the bus time. After research and measure the timeline, we expected we could get on the bus from PP to Sihanoukville at 1:00-1:30 pm. Before our trip, we booked the room and bought the bus, ferry tickets in advance.

Buses from PhnomPenh to Sihanoukville

There are plenty of buses that drive from Ho Chi Minh City to Cambodia, you can come to the Pham Ngu Lao street, district 1 to check out other bus companies, prices would lightly different depending on which bus company and do not forget to bargain. We chose the Mekong Express bus because it had the time slot as our plan. Price for 1 round ticket is USD12, we bought for 2 ways, Phnom Penh- Sihanoukville and back (I haven’t had a chance to update the newest ticket price, this price was 3 years ago).

travel to cambodia by a scooter
du lich cambodia tu tuc co mac khong
Accommodations at Sihanoukville and M’pay Bay, Koh Rong Saloem

We booked our room from for the stay in Sihanoukville and Koh Rong Saloem. About the night at the border gate, we planned to find a local motel near that area. At the time we went to Sihanoukville, it was a peak time because of a national holiday in Vietnam, Vietnamese tourists likely preferred to visit their close neighbour. If you are planning to travel on holiday time, keep in mind tourism cities like Sihanoukville would be busy, and the price can go over the range. However, since we decided to only stay only for a night and that night was entertaining.

bungalow on koh rong saloem
Our bungalow for two days live on M’Pai Bay
Sunset beautiful landscape at koh rong samloem island
Ferry ticket from Sihanoukville to Koh Rong Saloem
ferry tickets travel to Cambodia koh rong samloem

Due to the high demand for the holiday, we decided to book the ferry tickets before the trip. As I know, there are several ferry companies you can choose if you Google it, we decided Speed Ferry Cambodia, and paid USD 42/ 2 return tickets.

Below is the pier map in Koh Rong Samloem island, the black periods are where the piers at, depends on where you want to go, research the ferries if they stop by that dock.

cambodia koh rong samloem map

In the next part, I will share with you our reality trips on the old scooter from Vietnam to Cambodia. There are unexpected things that occurred in our journey, however, that why it is an adventure when we travel, right?

I hope this post will be helpful for you and I wish you will enjoy your awesome trip to Cambodia!

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Thông tin tác giả

Motorcycling from Vietnam to Cambodia 1
Tanny Nguyen
Tanny là cây bút chính cũng như người tạo nên trang web Tanny hiện đang sinh sống và làm việc tại Canada sau du học. Tanny tạo nên với mong muốn chia sẻ thông tin hữu ích để giúp đỡ các bạn cựu dhs và dhs cũng đang sống tại Canada.
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